About Forensic Document Examinations
Criminal Forensic Consulting
We Specialize in the Forensic Aging of Ink & Paper
Over the past 40 plus years, no other field of forensic science has had greater impact on the detection of fraudulent documents than the scientific examination of writing inks and papers. A number of accepted techniques for ink dating were developed between 1930 and about 1990. The new equipment and techniques developed since 1990 have significantly increased the accuracy of ink and paper age detection. In the past, emphasis was usually placed on ink dating but with today’s greater availability of computer aided equipment; techniques for the dating of ink and paper have also advanced significantly.
Testing procedures for discovering the relative age, artificial and/or natural accelerated aging of inks and papers must be performed on the original questioned document. The original document is also required during evaluation to determine what tests might be required to satisfy the courts. These ‘tests’ may include, but are not limited to, spectral densitometry, micro spectrophotometry, chromatographic analysis, thin-layer chromatography (TLC), solvent extraction, auger microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, gas chromatography, and many others. Values and limitations come with each of these procedures. Many are totally non-destructive and do not affect the original document. Others are considered destructive in that they require a number of physical samples be taken from the original document. These samples are taken by using what could be best described as a ‘hole punch’ device of about the size of a hypodermic needle. This device is used to harvest very small samples of the ink and paper.
All these procedures, much like those used to authenticate an old painting or artwork, are labor/equipment intensive, time consuming, and are also often quite expensive.
Consultations regarding forensic testing, without a retainer/deposit and a signed services agreement on file are limited to an initial 30 minute conversation. All other consultations regarding a questioned document will be billed in advance at a rate of $150.00 per ½ hour and rounded up to the next ½ hour.
We hope you will find this helpful in making your decision.
R. M. “Dick” Roth, Principal
Criminal Forensic Consulting
P.O. Box 273, Valley View, TX 76272-0273
Updated: January 1, 2018
Do to the excessive 'SPAM', Spy-Ransomware,
and other malicious programs on the Internet,
most 'e-mail links' have been disabled.
Potential clients should do one of the following:
Call us directly at 972-880-3931 or input this
direct email address, by hand, without spaces.
more-info @ criminalforensics.com
Criminal Forensic Consulting's professionals are often asked to give explanations and opinions over the phone regarding questioned documents and what will be done to the original during testing.
Many of these questions and answers can be found on these website pages.Criminal Forensic Consulting however, provides only one (1) free consultation of up to 30 minutes.After that, the client or potential client is 'on the clock'.Our website is constantly changing and we will attempt to explain as much of the process as is possible.Please keep in mind that each project is unique and, unfortunately, Gunfighters don't charge by the bullet.